Monday, 5 January 2009

First up: Lara Jade

Out first photographer is LaraJade ( ), who started her desent towards flickr fandom on may 16th, 2006 and already then she showed great softness and vunerability that come across in so many female photographers pictures. She dabbeled in self portraits, pictures of her friends, wedding photography, children photography but all along slowly moving towards and stopping by fashion photography where she seems to spend most of her time as of current. LaraJade is a breath of fresh air, and it is always good to see young people like herself do so well in the world of photography.

All images Copyright © LaraJade Photography, and used without permission.

1 comment:

  1. the first picture is mesmerizing!! it forces the viewer to understand the different moods of the woman.. she could be all devilish or be as angelic as the moon!! she is hidden; but she is revealed....she is trapped in the frame but, released in her realm. let go, let go!!
